=English follows Japanese=
研究発表の様子 / Research presentation
ラウンドテーブルの様子 / Round-table session
The 4th JARIBE conference has been held at Waseda University on Sunday, 1st of September, 2019. The conference was successfully finished with 175 participants including IB researchers, teachers and students.
The participants joined 26 research presentations, 4 poster presentations, and 2 round-tables and discussed from various perspectives. In addition to that, at the symposium, the symposiasts and audience lively discussed under the theme; the roles and potentials of the IB Educational Research: For the realization of 'Proactive, interactive, and deep learning'.
You can access the conference programme and the presentation slide at the symposium from the link below.
大会日程・発表内容一覧(Conference programme, presentation title)
公開シンポジウム掲示スライド(Presentation slide at symposium)