
[English follows Japanese]


原 和久(都留文科大学)




ご存じのように、本学会は、初代会長であるCarol Inugai-Dixon先生と創設メンバーのリーダーシップによって誕生し、第2代会長江里口歡​人先生のご尽力によって発展してきました。しかし、学会が将来を見据えて更に発展していくためには、まだまだ整備しなければならないことや充実させるべきことがたくさんあるように感じております。これまで先輩諸氏が築いてくださった発展の成果を引き継ぎ、更に学術的に、また組織運営の観点でも質の高い信頼できる学会にしていくために、全力で取り組みたいと思っております。


  • IB認定校などへの広報活動をより活発にすることで学会の認知度を高めます。
  • 国際交流や国内企画を通して会員間のネットワーキングを活性化します。
  • 学会誌『国際バカロレア教育研究』最新号の電子発行を検討します。
  • 学会HP、各種内規、会費支払いシステムの改善等、事務局体制の充実に務めます。






Greetings from the Chairman of the Board

Kazuhisa Hara (Tsuru University)

I have been elected as the 3rd President of the Japan Association for Research into International Baccalaureate Education (JARIBE) at the recent Board of Directors meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest regards to all of our members.

Our association was established in April 2016, and has been enhanced its academic activities gradually over the years. For example, this year marks the ninth time of our annual summer conference in which participants showcase their academic achievements and engage on the lively discussions. The latest issue of our academic journal, The Journal of Research into IB Education Vol.7, accepted sixteen IB-related manuscripts and published ten articles, practical case studies and research notes after rigorous peer-reviewing process. In addition, back number of the journal articles are now available in the PDF format by accessing the J-Stage web site.

As the number of IB authorized schools in Japan, as well as the awareness of the IB programmes among people, has gradually increased, the number of our members in the association has also steadily increased. Currently, we have over 200 members, including university researchers, elementary, middle, and high school teachers, graduate students, and others living overseas.

Although face-to-face activities were restricted for about two years, now that the coronavirus pandemic has finally subsided and face-to-face activities have resumed, I am proud to have been entrusted with the role of leading and re-shaping our organization to the next stage. I now feel a sense of responsibility.

The Association was started under the leadership of its first President, Dr. Carol Inugai-Dixon, and has grown through the efforts of its second President, Dr. Kando Eriguchi. However, I feel that there is still much work to be done to ensure the further development of the association toward the future.

I would like to do my best to carry on the achievements made by our predecessors, and to increase both academic quality and the reliability of the organization. As a president of the JARIBE, I would like to focus on the following points regarding the management of the organization in my first year;

○ Raise the visibility of the association through more active PR activities,

○ Create more opportunities for members to join international exchange activities as well as domestic events,

○ Explore the possibility for us to publish latest issue of our academic journal online, and

○ Enhance administrative management system such as the maintenance of the website, bylaws, and the membership fee payment system.

Finally, The Japan Association of Research into International Baccalaureate (JARIBE) was not established only to promote the implementation of the IB programmes in schools, although the name of the programmes (IB) was included in our organizational name. The purpose of this association is to utilize the IB as a pedagogical lens to reflect our own educational practices based on the evidence-based research so that we could critically re-examine the role and possibility of education in the context of a globalized society.

In order to achieve this goal, I think it is important to broaden our perspectives beyond the IB programmes by keeping up with the latest educational trends as well as academic research.  It is also important to work with other academic societies and organizations, which includes IB consortium and the Ministry of Education (MEXT).

In addition, it is necessary to collaborate not only with university researchers, but also with teachers, students, and parents to establish a culture of research (inquiry) in Japanese society as a foundation for creating and implementing a better form of education. It would be my greatest pleasure if our association could serve as a platform for academic exchange for this purpose, and if the IB education in Japan could be further enriched through our research activities.

Over the next three years, I hope to work hard to develop the Association further with your help. We appreciate your cooperation in making the activities of the Association enjoyable and fruitful.

Let’s explore, experience, learn and grow together!

(April 1st, 2024)