
【News】AY2019 annual membership fee

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Dear JARIBE members,

Thank you for your continuous support for the JARIBE.

We would like to inform on payment of AY2019 annual membership fee. Please find your membership category and pay the fee through the website (Peatix) or by post office/bank.

▼Membership categories
Regular member (Individuals): 8,000 JPY
Student member (Undergraduate and graduate students): 3,000 JPY
Group member (Schools other than universities): 30,000 JPY
Supporting member (Companies and organizations): 30,000 JPY/ single unit

※Teachers who belong to a school which join in group member are qualified to apply for a presentation at the annual conference and submit papers to the journal. Please note the supporting members don't have the eligibility.
▼If you become a member, you are eligible to;
① Get a JARIBE journal
We will send an annual journal when it’s published.
② Make a presentation at the annual conference and submit papers to the JARIBE journal
All members are qualified to apply for a presentation at the annual conference and submit papers to the journal.
③ Get and share information through the mailing list
All members can use the mailing list to share the information.
▼Payment of the AY2019 annual membership fee
Please transfer the fee using one of the following methods.
(1)Throguh the website (Peatix)
Please login to the Peatix with the password. After you log in, please choose your membership category for the payment. The website link and password for the payment are:

(2)From post office/bank
Please check your membership category before the payment.

・Postal transfer
Account number(口座番号):00180-4-486938
Subscriber name(加入者名):日本国際バカロレア教育学会
・ Bank transfer
Financial institution name(金融機関名):ゆうちょ銀行
Store name(店名):〇一九(ゼロイチキュウ)店
Deposit item(預金種目):Current account(当座)
Account number(口座番号):0486938
Recipient name(受取人名):日本国際バカロレア教育学会(ニホンコクサイバカロレアキョウイクガッカイ)
If you have any question, please contact the address below.
   JARIBE secretariat     Yuji Mashiko 
