
【News】第1回「研究奨励賞」のご報告/The 1st Research Promotion Award

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この度は、栄誉ある第1回研究奨励賞を賜り、大変光栄に存じます。賞選考委員の皆様、学会関係者の皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。本研究はIBDP「言語A」を指導する日本の高校教師が「概念学習」の指導に際して抱く葛藤を質的に明らかにしたものです。ご指導くださった川口純先生、菊地かおり先生、Carol Inugai-Dixon先生、平明子先生にもこの場を借りて深く御礼申し上げます。今回の受賞を励みに、今後もより一層精進していきたいと思います。



The Award Selection Committee reviewed the four presentations by student members at the 6th JARIBE  Annual Conference in 2021. As a result, it was decided to award the prize to the following presenter because his research purpose is clear, the contents are excellent in terms of novelty and feasibility, and future development is expected.

Presenter: Keita Tanaka (Graduate School, University of Tsukuba)

Title of Presentation: Introducing “Conceptual Understanding” in Japanese High Schools with the IBDP

(Presentation slides)

[Comments from the award winners]
I am very honored to receive the first Research Promotion Award. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the members of the award selection committee and to all those involved in JARIBE. In this qualitative research, I clarified the conflicts that IBDP Language A teachers have when introducing conceptual learning. I would like to thank Prof. Jun Kawaguchi, Prof. Kaori Kikuchi, Prof. Carol Inugai-Dixon, and Prof. Akiko Taira for their guidance. With this award as encouragement, I will work even harder in the future.
