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 このページは「TOKの趣旨を踏まえた主体的・対話的で深い学びのための授業研究会」の申し込みページです。なお、本授業研究会は日本国際バカロレア教育学会における「IB教員を目指す大学生・大学院生、探究的・主体的な学びの指導法を学びたい 中学校・高等学校の教員向け授業研究会事業」の一つです。

 文部科学省は平成24年の新規事業説明において「国際バカロレア(以下、IB)のカリキュラムや指導方法、評価方法等を研究し、我が国の教育に取り入れていくことは、新学習指導要領が目指す「生きる力」の育成や新成長戦略に掲げられている重要能力スキルの確実な習得に資するとともに、学習指導要領の見直しの際に有効な実証的資料となる」と述べています。このことから、文部科学省が IB教育を新学習指導要領の改訂に際して、参考資料としていたことが分かります。


第1回: 9月27日(日)10-12時「IB TOK、TOKの趣旨を踏まえた授業の概要」
第3回: 11月1日(日)10-12時「参加者のミニマイクロティーチング+振り返り」


【費用】 無料
【参加者】 30人程度
【申込締め切り】 9月23日(水)


【講師】ダッタ・シャミ(Shammi Datta)先生

*岡山理科大学 教育学部 – 教授・コース長
*国立台湾師範大学 IB 教員養成 – 客員教授
*都留文科大学 国際教育学科 – 非常勤講師
*留学フェローシップ – 理事
(前) 国立大学法人東京学芸大学 教職大学院 – 国際バカロレア教員養成ディレクター・准教授
(前) 関西学院 千里国際高等部 – 国際バカロレア部長・教諭
(前) 文部科学省 Ministry of Education, Japan (MEXT)- IB Consortium Member




Lesson Study for TOK/Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning

This is for the entry for Lesson Study for TOK/Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning. This Lesson Study is coordinated by "Lesson Study committee for undergraduate/graduate students aiming for IB teachers, junior high/high school teachers who are interested in practices of active learning and inquiry learning" by JARIBE.

According to the new enterprise information in 2012 by the Ministry of Education, Japan (MEXT), Researching International Baccalaureate's (IB) curriculum, practices and assessments lead our education to make sure the new national curriculum guidelines to aim for training people with "the strength to live" and the most vital skills by the New Growth Strategy, and are of effective positive research data to review the national curriculum guidelines. With the fact, we can assume that the MEXT was referring to IB documents when they started working on revising the new national guidelines. In this Lesson Study, with the fact that IB education has an affinity with the new national curriculum guidelines, TOK/Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning is researched.  This Lesson Study is for IB schools and also all the junior high/ high school teachers, undergraduate/graduate school students who would like to learn TOK/Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning.

1st:9/27(Sunday)10 am – 12 pm 「Contents of IB TOK, Class plan with TOK」
2nd:10/18/(Sunday)10 am – 12 pm 「class introduction/Tutorial」
3rd:11/1(Sunday)10 am – 12 pm 「Mini-microteaching for participants+Reflection」
4th:12/13(Sunday)10 am – 12 pm 「Sharing participants' practices+Reflection」

※All the structures and contents might be revised due to the participants' proficiencies.
※Participants joining 4 sessions in a row take priority if the number of participants is
oversubscribed. You can participate in each session.

【Participants】30 people
【Due date】Wednesday, September 23

【Host】 Trustees by Lesson Study committee for undergraduate/graduate students aiming for IB teachers, junior high/ high school teachers who are interested in practices of active learning and inquiry learning
Risa Tanaka(Kinoshita) Kaetsu Ariake Junior & Senior High School
Naoki Kobayashi  St. Joseph Gakuen Junior & Senior High School

【Lecturer】 Professor Shammi Datta 
Professor Datta has been involved in IB teacher training, IB teacher education/practices, curriculum designs domestically and internationally. After being an IB teacher/ IB manager in KWANSEI Gakuin University at Senri campus, an associate professor in Tokyo Gakugei University, Graduate school of teacher education and the IB consortium member by the MEXT, currently as a professor in the Okayama University of Science, Education Department.

*Okayama University of Science, Education Department, Professor – Course Head
*National Taiwan Normal University, IB Educator Program, Guest Professor
*Tsuru University, Global Education Dept., IB Educator Program, Lecturer
*Education Advisor
*Ryufello – Board Member
(Before) Tokyo Gakugei University, Graduate school of teacher education – the director of IB teacher training, an associate professor
(Before) Senri International School of Kwansei Gakuin High School – IB manager/teacher
(Before) Ministry of Education, Japan (MEXT)- IB Consortium Member

※This Study Lesson is not an official seminar by the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).
※This Study Lesson will be conducted through online. Zoom(https://zoom.us/) with a password and a waiting room will be used. There should be some group works to do due to the workshop style. Please prepare both a camera and a microphone with the Internet.

※If the number of participants is oversubscribed, the first priority should be for those who can participate the most and the second is by first-come-first-served.

▼Entry form
「Lesson Study for TOK/Proactive, Interactive, and Deep Learning」
