
【News】第2回 TOK 学び合いの会開催のお知らせ/ The 2nd TOK learning session

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=English follows Japanese=

第2回 TOK 学び合いの会開催のお知らせ 

 6月6日に開催した「TOK 学び合いの会」の第2回を企画致しました。この会は、「知の理論」(TOK)を担当している先生方、関係者のみなさま、そしてTOKに興味をお持ちのすべての先生方との意見交換の場を 設けることを主旨としております。 


【内容】「TOK 展示」に焦点を当て、評価ルーブリックやコメンタリーサンプルの分析、授業計画について交流を行う
【募集人数】先着10名 IB 校に所属しTOKを担当している先生もしくは、2年以内に指導予定がある先生

【募集人数】先着20名 事前課題を実施頂ける方

【共同主催】英数学館高等学校(栢野)、岡山理科大学附属高等学校(森岡)、 岡山理科大学グローバル教育センター(眞砂)、同大学教育学部(ダッタ)
※ご質問がおありの際は、メールでご連絡ください。→ Unpackingtok★gmail.com(★を@に変えてください。)

▼申込み締切り:Google formで7月31日までにお申し込みください。 

TOK(Job-alike)→ https://forms.gle/CGMCHAZgXpyppBWQ8
TOK(Intermediate)→ https://forms.gle/p68k85dUZ7tA5nCZ6


The 2nd TOK learning session

We have planned the second meeting of the "TOK Learning Exchange Meeting" which was held on June 6. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for the exchange of opinions among teachers who are in charge of Theory of Knowledge (TOK), related people, and all teachers who are interested in TOK. 
Based on your opinions, we have decided to hold two meetings in the second session: "TOK (Job-alike)" to think about specific teaching as a practitioner of TOK, and "TOK (Intermediate)" to think about TOK with teachers who are interested in TOK or have started teaching TOK. 
Why don't we deepen our understanding of TOK, and share our wisdom and learn together to find a better way to deal with TOK? 

▼TOK (Job-alike) 
【Date&Time】Sunday, 22nd August, 2021  9:00am~12:00am(JST)
【Place】Via Zoom
 ※The URL will be sent to those who registered.
【Contents】Focusing on the TOK exhibition, we will analyze the assessment criteria and commentary samples, and discuss lesson plans.
【Participants】10 people, Teachers in IB schools who are teaching TOK or plan to do so within the next two years
Yusuke Kayano (Eisugakkan Senior High School), Takeshi Sano (Kochi Prefectural Kochi International Senior High School), Akemi Morioka (Okayama University of Science High School)

▼TOK (Intermediate) 
【Date&Time】Sunday, 22nd August, 2021  1:30pm~4:30pm(JST)
【Place】Via Zoom
 ※The URL will be sent to those who registered.
【Contents】Exchange on content such as terminology and ideas related to the new TOK content 
【Participants】20 people, Those who can solve the assignments in advance
【Facilitator】Shammi Datta (Okayama University of Science), Kosuke Fukushima (Ritsumeikan Uji Senior High School), Shion Inoue (Nada High School)


【Co-hosting】Eisugakkan Senior High School (Kayano), Okayama University of Science High School (Morioka), Okayama University of Science Global Education Center (Masago), Okayama University of Science Faculty of Education (Datta)
【Support】Japan Association for Research into IB Education (JARIBE), MEXT consortium for promotion of IB education in Japan
※This Job-alike is not an official seminar by IBO.
※Please email to the address below if you have any questions. Unpackingtok★gmail.com(Please change ★ into @)
※If you wish to cancel your participation, please be sure to contact us at least one week before the event (August 15).
※If you cancel just before the event, your participation in the 3rd session will be restricted. 

【Application deadline】 Saturday, 31st July

【How to apply】
TOK(Job-alike) → https://forms.gle/CGMCHAZgXpyppBWQ8
TOK(Intermediate) → https://forms.gle/p68k85dUZ7tA5nCZ6
